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Gratis CRM!
Gratis CRM - Skapa ett gratis konto på!
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Last updated: 11/04/2018 By becoming a member you have read and accepted the following terms: to always provide accurate data, ie not false e-mail address, company, etc. It is only allowed to have 1 user per person. However can same company have multiple users and Joint work in same sales database. You must always follow Swedish law. can change conditions with immediate effect. You as a user are solely responsible att update with our conditions, about you continue to be a member, you agree to the new conditions. No compensation will be given for any problem or damage as occurs widely faces of You as a user have your own responsibility for all data in your database according to GDPR. All e-mail addresses, company information, ETC. Stays with and never shared with third person. The data used at are always handled as confidential. owned and operated by FL-Net AB, corporate identity no. 556571-0711. If you have not used your account in 365 days it will - a long with all your data - be deleted.
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